There are so many different ways to get involved with the Children’s Book Project and we are tremendously grateful to all of you that can give in any way you can. We are a grassroots organisation and all support makes a real difference.
We would love to find homes for the books you no longer need. Donate via a community Book Drive or at one of our national drop points.
Book sorting is inclusive, fun and rewarding. Discover old favourites and enjoy curating donations of books for gifting to communities across the UK via schools, prisons and other settings. Both community and corporate volunteers are welcome.
If you’ve time to give on a semi-regular basis, consider becoming part of our team! We are a hugely friendly organisation and would welcome your involvement.
Every amount given to us monetarily helps us to do the work we so passionately believe in - to be able to give a book-poor child the chance to choose a high quality pre-loved book of their own.
Our fundraising page has details of ways in which you can give, or you can make a one-off donation here. Please add GiftAid if you can, as this increases your donation by 25%.