Corporate Support


We welcome the support of any organisation that would like to support our cause - whether to combat book poverty, tackle inequalities in childhood or to promote sustainability via reuse and recycling. We can work with your CSR team to help meet your social or sustainability priorities and to develop a tailored partnership that ensures meaningful, tangible impacts.

To discuss a raft of possible creative sponsorship and employee engagement opportunities please contact


We welcome corporate volunteers at our three hubs nationwide and ensure that teams leave with a full understanding of our mission and a sense of accomplishment. Click here to find out more and to register your interest.


Hold a Book Drive to raise awareness about the impact of book poverty on children’s lives whilst directly supporting your local community. Invite employees to bring in books that their children have grown out of or to purchase and donate a favourite book from their own childhood. Click here to find out more and register your interest.


Payroll Giving is the most tax efficient way of supporting a charity, making it a great way to support the Children’s Book Project. Your regular donation is taken from your salary before tax is deducted, making it an easy and convenient way to give. And because it’s a regular amount without any restrictions, it provides us with a regular and unrestricted income, which is so vital.

Ask your employer whether they are registered with any of the payroll giving agencies and you can give a gift each month as part of your monthly salary. It’s straightforward to set up and your donation is subtracted from your pay after NI deductions but before tax so to donate £1 to the Children’s Book Project:

  • As a basic rate taxpayer you donate 80p
  • As a higher rate taxpayer you donate 60p
  • As an additional rate taxpayer you donate 55p


We are enrolled with a number of platforms that facilitate links between corporates and charities that share similar goals or whose needs are aligned. Collectively these platforms have enabled us to benefit from extensive volunteering support, donations and support in kind over the past four years.